Hassan Campbell


Hassan Campbell is a YouTuber who began his career on January 8, 2013. He has since gained an impressive fan base in the United States. Campbell has even created a Patreon account, which he uses to promote his videos. In his videos, Campbell discusses various issues that affect the black community, including pedophilia and conspiracies. He claims to provide political analysis from a street perspective.

Hassan Campbell was Born on March 8, 1976 in the Bronx

Hassan Campbell was born on March 8, in the Bronx, and grew up in a broken home with his mother and five siblings. His mother suffered from a mental illness and was unable to raise the children on her own. From an early age, Campbell looked up to Bambaataa as a mentor and a godfather.

When he was a child, Hassan Campbell used to hang out with Afrika Bambaataa. He later accused him of sexual abuse, but that is not true. The rapper has always denied this and has apologized to all his victims.

Campbell started posting videos on YouTube in January of 2013, and has been posting content material on the platform ever since. His videos have garnered criticism and even death threats. His videos are about issues affecting the black community. He has a passion for addressing black issues, as well as offering solutions to problems facing the black community. His videos focus on a variety of topics, such as street life, rap music, and politics.

His YouTube channel is his main source of income. It contains about 373,000 subscribers, and he generates a monthly income of about $10,000 thanks to advertisements. He also maintains a Patreon website where he allows fans to donate to his channel.

Hassan Campbell is an American YouTuber

Hassan Campbell is a popular American YouTuber. He has a Patreon account where his fans can donate to support him. His main goals on YouTube are to provide his viewers with news they can trust and to engage with his community. He hosts discussions on topics ranging from politics and family to street life.

Hassan Campbell was Abused by Afrika Bambaataa

Hassan Campbell alleged that rapper Afrika Bambaataa sexually abused him when he was a child. He claimed that the rapper made him watch pornography of naked men and would abuse him. This abuse escalated to touching and oral sex, according to Campbell. The alleged abuse occurred on a continuous basis and lasted for years. As a teenager, Campbell kept this abuse secret. As a result, he turned his anger toward gangs in the Bronx.

Hassan Campbell is now trying to use his platform to address issues of child molestation in the Black community. This has led to some controversy and backlash, especially among men. Although some men are backing him up in his endeavor, others are mocking him for his claim.

The allegations came to light after Savage, a member of the Zulu Nation, revealed the abuse in his book “Aloha,” published in 2014. The story broke when a Zulu Nation member named Amad Henderson tried to get Ronald Savage to stop his revealing book. He was later threatened by high-ranking Zulu Nation members to keep quiet. After the revelation went public, the Universal Zulu Nation promised to set up a meeting between Bambaataa and Savage.

According to the allegations, Afrika Bambaataa sexually abused Hassan Campbell while he was in his early teens. The singer and rapper was a neighborhood fixture and often visited Campbell’s Bronx apartment. The two men shared a close relationship, and were even considered father figures. In return, Bambaataa gave Campbell cash and meals.

Hassan Campbell Was Convicted of Child Abuse

Hassan Campbell has been convicted of child abuse and bullying, but he denies these charges. The rapper has also refuted the allegations in a video. In the interview, he also talked about being a member of the Zulu Nation and how he was sexually assaulted by Zulu leader Afrika Bambaataa. His interview has since become a hit on Twitter.

Upon hearing about the video, he agreed to take it down and apologize to his accuser. He also promised to seek counseling and open a center for troubled youth. He also stepped down from his role with the Zulu Nation. The allegations have prompted Campbell to consider suicide.

Hassan Campbell earned his net worth through a variety of media, including YouTube, Patreon, and YouTube. He also has a Patreon account with more than 4 million followers. His primary goals on YouTube are to share news from trustworthy sources and initiate conversations with his audience. He has an extensive fan base and has been in the spotlight since his conviction.

A Hip Hop legend, Afrika Bambaataa, was accused of sexually abusing Hassan Campbell when he was 12-13 years old. Bambaataa had a close relationship with Campbell, including being his father figure. He also provided him with food, a bed, and cash. Hassan Campbell has not revealed much about his family, but what is known is that he was raised in a poor, dysfunctional household. He also grew up with addictions to alcohol and drugs.

Hassan Campbell’s Net Worth

The net worth of Hassan Campbell is unknown to the public. He was born on March 8, 1976 in the Bronx, New York. His mother suffered from mental illness, so his upbringing was difficult. He lived with his mother and five siblings. He looked up to Bambaataa as a second father.

His YouTube channel generates most of his income. He has over 373,000 subscribers and has received over 88 million views on his videos. Consequently, his earnings from YouTube ad revenue are roughly $10K per month. His net worth is expected to reach over $500,000 by 2022.

His net worth may continue to increase in the future despite his controversial past. He has been accused of sexual misconduct and has received homicide threats, but that hasn’t affected his earnings. Since then, he has built several successful businesses. His YouTube channel is one of the most popular in the world.

Hassan Campbell is 5’6″ tall and weighs 77kg. He is physically fit, though his net worth is unknown. His YouTube channel is his main source of income, generating around $10,000 per month in ad revenue. He also has a wife and two children.

In addition to his YouTube channel, Hassan Campbell maintains a Patreon account, where fans can donate money to his channel. He has two major goals for his channel: providing trustworthy news and encouraging a community dialogue. His videos cover topics such as politics, family, and the streets.

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