How to make Old Fashioned Hard Candy – Simple DIY Recipe


Old fashioned hard candy is a favorite among kids and adults alike. The process of making hard candy isn’t the most complex, but there are many steps involved. Let’s take a look at how you can make your own Old Fashioned Hard Candy at home! Old-fashioned hard candy is any type of hard candy that has been around for a long time. These candies usually have an added flavor to them, such as cherry, raspberry or vanilla. Many people love these old-timey treats because they are so nostalgic; they bring back childhood memories. How to Make Homemade Hard Candy? Making homemade hard candy takes some patience and a basic understanding of chemistry principles. However, if you have the right ingredients on hand and follow the right steps, it’s not too difficult.

What You’ll Need to Make Hard Candy

– Sugar: This is the purest form of sugar and will be the main ingredient in your Old Fashioned Hard Candy. You’ll want a granulated sugar that is either white or an unbleached, natural-white color. You can save money on granulated sugar by purchasing it in bulk. – Corn Syrup: This is a liquid form of sugar that is mostly made from corn. Corn syrup is less expensive than granulated sugar and it has a mild flavor. – Water: This ingredient is used to dissolve the sugar and corn syrup. You’ll also want some water to create a syrup that will coat the outside of the hard candy. – Food-grade Gelatin: You’ll need food-grade gelatin to help give your hard candy a soft texture. Different brands of gelatin have different levels of quality, so be sure to get a good one.

What’s in an Old Fashioned Hard Candy?

– Sugar: This is the purest form of sugar and will be the main ingredient in your Old Fashioned Hard Candy. You’ll want a granulated sugar that is either white or an unbleached, natural-white color. You can save money on granulated sugar by purchasing it in bulk. – Corn Syrup: This is a liquid form of sugar that is mostly made from corn. Corn syrup is less expensive than granulated sugar and it has a mild flavor. – Water: This ingredient is used to dissolve the sugar and corn syrup. You’ll also want some water to create a syrup that will coat the outside of the hard candy. – Food-grade Gelatin: You’ll need food-grade gelatin to help give your hard candy a soft texture. Different brands of gelatin have different levels of quality, so be sure to get a good one.

How to make Old Fashioned Hard Candy: Step by Step

– Dissolve sugar and corn syrup in water. Heat sugar and water in a saucepan until the sugar has completely dissolved. – Bring the syrup to a boil for one minute. – Remove the syrup from the heat and add in the gelatin. Stir the mixture until the gelatin is completely dissolved. – Pour the syrup and gelatin mixture into a large bowl and place in the refrigerator for at-least 12 hours. This process will help to cool the mixture. – Coat the outside of your Old Fashioned Hard Candy mold with the syrup. – Pour the cold syrup into your hard candy mold and place in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 hours. – Make sure to tap the mold a couple of times after it has been placed in the refrigerator to help the candy release.

Tips and Tricks for Making Old Fashioned Hard Candy

– Use a large bowl to mix the ingredients. This bowl should be large enough to incorporate all of the ingredients. – Make sure to tap the hard candy mold once you put it in the refrigerator. This will help to release the hard candy. – Pour the cold syrup into the mold slowly to help it cool down. The quicker the syrup cools, the easier it will be to release the hard candy from the mold. – Once the syrup has completely cooled down, you’ll be able to easily remove the Old Fashioned Hard Candy from the mold. – After you remove the hard candy, you can store it in an airtight container.


Making your own hard candy is not only fun and inexpensive, it’s also a great way to introduce your kids to science and chemistry. Kids will enjoy mixing the ingredients and helping to shape the Old Fashioned Hard Candy into a variety of unique shapes. Once the hard candy has been made, you can keep it stored in an airtight container for future use. Homemade hard candies are a delicious way to bring back old-fashioned flavors without having to rely on artificial ingredients or preservatives.

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