Simple Tips on How to Draw a Dog | Easy Dog Drawing



Drawing a dog can be fun and challenging, but it is not always easy. It takes time and practice to become an expert. If you are just starting out, learning how to draw a dog face may seem confusing at first, but with practice and patience, you can master this skill. It is best to start by learning how to draw a dog’s head. Here are three easy steps that you can follow to learn how to draw a dog’s face easily.

  • First, draw the entire head, including the eye, mouth, and jaw. Next, draw the entire body, including the legs, pelvis, and ribs with curved lines. Starting with the second step on how to draw a dog face, this tutorial will already start to add the least basic details. Continue this tutorial on how to draw a dog face by adding in more detailed drawings of the face and adding even more details as you become more comfortable with your sketches.
  • Next, draw two circles over each eye. These are called the upper and lower lids. To draw well, make sure the circles are similar in size and shape to one another. Now, draw two smaller oval shapes underneath the upper lids.
  • Now, use a pencil to draw the uppermost jaw. Using the same pencil, draw a line that begins near the top of the jaw. Use a different colored pencil to draw the lower jaw. This should now be followed by an oval shape below this line, which is the lower jaw’s outline. These two steps are the basic skeleton of your first face sketch.
  • The next thing to do is to fill in the jaw and eye sockets. Use darker color pencils to shade in the dark areas. After that, erase some of the lines you have just drawn and begin to create an oval. Using the darker colored pencils, start drawing the outward curve of this oval. After you have completed this step, you will notice that the shape you have just created looks like a “halo” over the oval. You can see how it will look when it is completely done.
  • For the next step, you will need to decide on how you will create the rest of the face. In this example, I want to create a “V” shaped arch above the eyes. Using the lighter color, draw a square over the arch using a different color for the sides. The sides should now be white.
  • After you have completed these basic steps, you can begin to create the “V” shaped arch above the eyes by creating a smaller oval. Go back to the thicker black sketch and draw the lower edge of this oval. Then, draw the upper edge of this arch by connecting this with the lower edge of the oval. Use a darker blue for the rest of your outline shapes.
  • As you can see, you can easily learn how to draw a dog by following these basic steps. It doesn’t matter how you draw it since the important thing is that it looks right. This is why learning how to draw a dog is so important for those of us that love these magnificent animals. By taking the time to follow these simple tips, you can easily produce a dog that will be a joy to cherish for years to come.
  • Step 7: To make this lesson even easier, it’s a good idea to bring in a friend or family member to help you. This will give each of you an expert third party to assist you. Bring in your friend so that you both have something to work with. You can also have a friend draw the dog for you, but if you aren’t that great at drawing, bring in a book of dog art. The best way to go about this step is to start by adding two ovals inside the larger oval.
  • Step 8: From here, you will need to draw two straight lines down the side of the dog. These must connect to the side of its head. Use a pencil to mark these lines. If you want to have a more detailed sketch, draw the fur on the face next. This way, you can see how it looks when it is fully grown.
  • Step 9: After you have your sketch complete, you are now ready to put it onto paper. Use dark gray or black ink to be darker than what you have used previously. This will give your drawing the look of fur. For now, I suggest using a pencil to do most of the work, while you and your friend sketch the rest of the dog’s face. When you are done with your sketches, go back over them with a black marker to make sure all of your lines are correct.

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